Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Party (Weekend Part 2)

Tonight we were invited to a Halloween Party given by Kathy (Whispering Pines) & Jack.  They go all out when they have a Halloween party and decorate the whole yard!  Upon driving up to their house, we were greeted by this haunted house in front of theirs!
Here is the hostess with the most-est...a pirate wench!
They had a bon fire which smelled great, but hardly needed it since the weather was so nice.  It was fun hearing everyone tell stories!

The kids went on a trip up to the "Creepy Woods" for a haunted ghost story.  They had lanterns on the path with balloons lit by glo sticks for atmosphere...great!!  You knew when the story was over when they all screamed...ha!
Kathy, son Craig and grandson Taylor....a fun Halloween party!!!
-the start of a good Halloween for sure!!!!


yaya said...

Great pics of the haunted house! I'm so glad you and Larry came! It was nice to just sit and enjoy the fire after everyone went home. Thanks for the use of the tables and did you see your banner? It looked so cute. Now about the pics of that ugly pirate wench...

p said...

that haunted house is cool!

Mrs Catch said...

Fun times..The fire pit's a great idea.