Scoob hates winter more than I do...which is saying a lot! I watched the news tonight and there was a big dog that had made it through two days being left outside, food frozen over. He was rescued and taken to a shelter. His companion, a shitzu died. The owner was up on charges of animal cruelty. Those stories do me in!
I wait by the door for this little guy. When Scoob has to go "out", he makes a little path right next to the house and rambles up a bit...

then he mosies back to the step
and back again, never venturing too far....
and looks up at me to come and get him.
Debbie @ Debbie-Debbie Doos asked me to post this link to her doggie party. She has a lot of cute pooches linked up if you'd like to view or put add yours!!
Such an adorable little doggie!
such a sweet little dog. people who do that to animals should get the same treatment. If you can't care for an animal don't get one NO excuses.
Adorable! My little one doesn't go far from the door in this cold.
Scoobs sure is one cutie pie. That little face you can just squeeze up. I am so happy you joined the party. FYI, there will be a newbie party next week Monday at my place. Hope to see you then. Also, could you please add my ling that you are joining the party...thanks so much.
Look at that face!! He's such a cutie!!! I hate winter too and I'm ready for our snow to melt!
Awww!! What a little cutie! Our little dog doesn't seem to mind the cold so much, but I make her wear a coat when we go for a walk! She hates having it put on, just like a little kid! And those animal stories in the news really upset me, too. Have a great night!
Scoobie is adorable! I love his little face and I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to do his business in the cold snow, I'm sure it's much cozier inside:)
Fur babies are so precious! Scoobie's face is too cute.
Love Scoobs look at the door! I miss our walks with him and Sam...Sigh..maybe we should start those up in the spring? Of course Scoobie would need a stroller, but hey, it's a thought!
Oh Donna Sweetie...
Scoob is so stinkin cute. He doesn't like the cold snow either. Have you ever considered a move to a warmer climate, say Phoenix? I would love to have you as a neighbor and there are several houses on the market in my block area in fact.
Then you too, could say how wonderful the Arizona weather is this time of year. It is gorgeous.
And Momma always did say to share, so I just wanted to share my flowers and the weather. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Love ya girl. Stay warm and I will be sending you warm thoughts each day until it reaches you again.
Many hugs and much love, Sherry
What a little doll! Stay warm up there!!
I love your little dog - what a little sweetheart! I miss having a little doggie sometimes - they're such good company, and they're always glad to see you. But LaMar has allergies... so no pets. Give Scoobie an extra pat from me.
Oh Jebuz! Those picture are ADORABLE!!!!! What a cutie and what a brave dog! :) Thanks for making my day.
Oh cute is your Scoobs? I can just imagine him trotting off into the snow. That last picture is classic! So much personality in our little friends..they can easily make our day. I can see that Scoobie does that for you :)
Jeanne xxx
What a cutie Scoobie is!!! I know what you mean about the snow--While our Goldens don't have a problem getting through it, last year our Wheaten terrier did--But we have a couple of pups that don't like the cold either--me included!! :-)
I don't understand why people would ever leave their pups outside in the cold--They should be left out in the cold too..oops, sorry, that's not very nice.. :-X
He's such a cute little fellow. When we get a dog, it'll be one just like him.
His little face is so cute!
My daughter just got a puppy and he starts shivering when he gets put outside for fresh air. I'm no dog oficianado but I feel so sorry for the poor little thing trying to do his business out in the cold :)
Oh my gosh your little guy is so darn cute! Looks like a little cuttlebug!
How can people be so cruel to animals! It rips my heart apart and make me want to do serious damage to their owners! They should get the same treatment for their punishment!
Oh my gosh!!!! How adorable is Scooby?!?!?!?! I actually love the name since I am huge Scooby Doo fan. I too have a terrible time hearing about animal cruelty cases, it tears my heart out.
Fergus HATES the snow. He high-steps it around, it's hilarious. Good thing we live in GA and don't get snow too often.
oh my gosh, I thought it was cute when I saw the first few photos, but then I saw those last two! Cuteness overload!
Oh Donna, what an absolutely darling little dog. It's amazing how such a sweet little creature can be such a precious member of the family. Unfortunately, I don't have a dog, but I love them. I'm allergic to almost all dogs, even poodles, but when I visit my daughter Nancy's Golden Retriever, I forget about them and just hug her to pieces. It is worth suffering a little for.
I don't blame Scoobs for not liking snow though. I am so glad I don't live in Idaho where we had plenty in the winter. I'm not sure how I survived it. Actually, I missed about six weeks of school every winter with bronchitis.
If I were that little, I too would come right in, never venture far in that siberia.
Scooby is so cute. You are lucky he doesn't like to go far from your door. Our Golden Retriever, Dodger, deserves the descriptive Artful in front of his name. He goes out and lies in the snow for quite a while but I know he is just waiting for the chance to take off. Like he did tonight and we had to go looking for him and then he came home with a little dead bird in his mouth. I just took my eyes off him for a second.......
what a cute little doggie!
enjoyed your post
thank you
Scoobs is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen! What a face. Our Toby, all 90 pounds of his golden glory, loves snow, outdoors, and swims in the freezing river. I love watching him love winter, but that's about it for me and winter.
Wow to all of your snow! What a cute "giggle."
What a little cutie pie
Oh my gosh is he ever cute! I love when they stick their little tongues out like he did on the last photo. Our little guy does that all the time.
I'm right there with you on not liking the cold.
Sending warm thoughts!
Oh I love Scoobs waiting for you. He is truly precious! :)
Hi Donna, Thankyou for visiting.....and I see you have also become a "follower"! So nice to have you on board :) I love your little dog here. He is so cute and blends in nicely with all that snow you're having! Have a great day, Irisxx
aww..such an adorable dog! I love the last pic where he's just looking up with those big puppy eyes. Sweet.
He is so cute! My little Murphy is that color. He is my first dog............and I am loving him!
Scoobs is such a sweety!!! When my Chihuahua has to go out in the snow, she walks on three legs, with one leg up, as though it's too cold for all 4 of her paws to touch the snow :)
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