Saturday, January 1, 2011


The weather was in the high 50's yesterday and today... It was so pretty out that I took down the outside Christmas decorations before it gets cold again, cleaned out the garage and then took a walk in the yard. And as I walked I resolved to appreciate my surroundings more, and appreciate all that is good in my life.
 I also resolved to reflect more on thoughtfulness to family and friends.
 Then there is diet, exercise and good old fitness...that's where the ~hmmm.... comes in.  I just need to be resolved.
 Then there is spiritual commitment on all levels which should have been written first as it is the most important thing I can do. I need to pray more and make dedicated time to do that...I tend to just have little conversations with God.
 There are other defining lights in my life that I hope to do better in each year too, and while I am not always good, hopefully I am better.....~so that counts!!


Jennifer said...

what good thoughts for the New Year...i agree and exercise too...We have already taken one Italian class...memorization is more difficult the older I We took a walk on the beach and boardwalk and watched about 200 people go for a dip in the the Jersey Shore...water must be in the 50s, air in the 50s...still tons of snow! Best always...Jennifer aka Gigi

yaya said...

Great pics of the yard! It's amazing all the snow has melted and it's so warm...atleast for today! Happy New Year and I'm with you on all those resolutions....time will tell!

Robin said...

Such wonderful thoughts for the New Year! I love your beautiful photos, too!

Kerri said...

Your surroundings are beautiful! Wow, is that your backyard?
Love your new header!

Stacy said...

Those are beautiful pics. I like making "goals" better then resolutions. I tend to work on them longer...stop by the live strong website. It has good ideas for fitness and dieting. I'm giving it a valant effort...we shall see.

River-Rose said...

What a precious and pretty landscape you have! It's no wonder that great thoughts come to you while working outside. I love all of your resolutions, because they are tangable and obtainable. Best wishes to you for all that you strive for in 2011! PS-Thanks for being a sweet blogging friend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Haha that is too funny. I know that those guns seem powerless, buts it amazing the damage they can actually do. Thankfully, nothing like that has happened....yet. But I am sure something along those lines will occur sometime soon.

I wish that we could get those temperatures, it would be like a heat wave. It has been in the 20s and mid 30s most of the week.

The pictures are absolutely gorgeous, and those are some definitely good resolutions for the New Year. I know that I should definitely make praying more often one of my resolutions!

Great post!

Ann said...

You've got great list of resolutions for the coming year...

And your surroundings are pretty looks nature-filled ...and I can appreciate it even if its just on pictures:)

Rebecca said...

We had similar temperatures. Unfortunately, I was tied up in the house and didn't even realize how mild it was!

Your pictures are so beautiful. (Usually I find little beautiful about winter except immediately after a newly fallen snow or when sunshine glistens on icy tree limbs and branches...)

I share ALL of your areas of determination. For me, there is a strong correlation between healthy habits and prayer.

I look forward to peeking in to Starkey Hollow throughout 2011!

Hope said...

wonderful thoughts for the new year, Donna.
I'm sure you will succeed in fulfilling them.

the best to you and your family :)

Beth Dunn said...

Happy new year!

jen said...

Beautiful photos. Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere like that. Then I get cold when it's 50 degrees (AT NIGHT) and I realize cactus is just as beautiful (maybe not quite).

rjerdee said...

So nice to stroll around your yard and hearing your new year's thoughts...good ones, they are and I'm wishing you success in realizing them.

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

These pics are really wonderful. Love your yard and thoughts. I too need to do all that you listed.
Great post so glad I came by
Happy New Year

Jeanne Henriques said...

Hi Donna,

I can feel how good that walk must have been for you. It shines thru in your words which are just lovely. I love the insight you have given us into the world around you. It is beautiful.

I am still thinking about my resolutions and thinking and thinking :)

Best wishes Donna !!

Jeanne xxx

Katie said...

Donna, what beautiful pictures! So cozy, warm, and inviting. Thank you for sharing.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Happy New Year to you sweetie. Your list is a great goal to have. I resolve to live each day the best I can. That way when I flub we always do..I can start the next day with a clean slate! It's just my style! Heeehehehe!

God bless ya and have a terrific day girl! :o)

Donna said...

Just popping in to say hi, and thanks so much for your prayers! Have a great day!