Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fire in Our Little Town....

This morning I awoke to the sound of "choppers".  Our hospital has a heliport and whenever we lifeflight anyone out, we hear the chopper sounds.    When I hear those sounds, I say a little prayer for whomever might be aboard and whatever is happening...a random prayer but one that I think God always hears.  Soon after, the phone rang and Chelsea was on the phone saying that she heard on the radio that one school was  delayed but were they all?  I called friends who had been listening to the Cleveland news and heard that there was a fire at a local business.  The news was showing a helicopter flying over the fire and explaining that chemicals were involved and evacuations of homes were in progress.  There was a large plume cloud over the area and they didn't know if fumes were harmful.  School was indeed delayed all over the city.  I immediately thought of the hospital and the traffic that the ER might be experiencing because of this too.

In a small town, everyone is aware of what is going on and how it might impact us.  I had an 8:30 doctor's appointment and as soon as I got there, people in the waiting area were talking about it.   Some said they could "smell" the fire.  I have a cold just now so had not really noticed anything, but as I left, took a big whiff and sure enough...the air had a very "chemical" smell about someone burning plastic bags.
 The saddest part is that a reportedly 50 people were employed here and will be impacted by this, an already stretched local economy.  Many things go through your mind...
This location is across the street from where my husband had his business many years ago...what if...
My daughter teaches in the general vicinity...what if...
The thirty houses evacuated were lucky  to be out of their homes...what if...

There are many uncertainties outside our doors everyday. Today, I'm grateful that at this time it appears no one was harmed, and our wonderful fire department not only worked all night to contain the fire but kept safety uppermost on it's list, protecting residents and area school children. 
Now it's starting to snow...we should have about three new inches by tonight that will cover the burnt building.  I can look out and see a grey sky, winter mixed with snow and ashes...


Kim said...

That is terrible news but so lucky no one was harmed. I know what you mean when you hear the choppers. In the summer when we are at the cottage on the beach I get that same terrible feeling when I hear an airplane. I know that some boater is in trouble are the search planes are out.

Jennifer said...

I will be praying for those is fragile, handle with prayer. xoxo Jennifer aka Gigi

Rosaria Williams said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear about this incident. Hope nobody got hurt. Sometimes, just one little incident can impact a lot of people.

Heartfelt living said...

Oh what sad news. Like you, I have always told my children, whenever you hear sirens, please pray that whoever is involved will be safe.
We couldn't hear your sirens but our prayers will go out to them.
Stay warm,

rjerdee said...

I'm glad no one is such a good/bad thing. We can't live without its warmth but it can also be such a devastating force.

Beth Dunn said...

So happy to hear no one was hurt. Fires are devastating

Hope said...

that kind of news certainly makes anyone uneasy. hoping no one is hurt
take care

Stacy said...

I had a ton of students telling me about this when they came in because they live close to the factory. I the daughter? :)

I hope those employees are okay...wonder if RS should get involved?

acorn hollow said...

My husband has been a fire fighter for a lot of years. so I always remember the fire fighters and their loved one who wait to hear that all is ok.

yaya said...

I knew nothing of this until I got to work...I can't even believe I didn't hear the choppers! What I did think when I got out of my car at the hospital was that my car was having an electrical problem because the smell was so awful and strong! Jack said it smelled horrible in his office too, and he got a bad migraine later in the day. Fume related? Well, I am glad no one was hurt, but I feel so sad for all the workers who lost their jobs this morning. That's where the prayers all need to go!

Unknown said...

I was just thinking about the 'what ifs' in life while in the shower this morning Donna. Given half a chance I could worry myself sick with them, but at the end of the day, worry or no, the outcome will be what it will be. Worrying doesn't change one thing there, but it certainly can change how I go through my day, each day.
I hope the destruction isn't too bad for your little town. We had four stores burn down on our high street just over a year ago. Work to re-build has just begun.

Karen Whittal said...

That is sad, as you say especially in a small town, hopefully they were insured and can build up the business again, About 20 years i worked for a company that burnt down, i can remember going to work and thinking that smoke looks like it is coming from our building........... and it was...........

Molly said...

Accidents like this are so scary - especially with unknown chemicals involved. My thoughts and prayers are with your little town too, Donna.

Stacy said...

Slightly pink here, my comments were meant for the Starkeys confused....oops

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Sorry to hear of that terrible happening in your town. You have spoken some wise words in your post. Kind of brings things in perspective for the rest of us. Thankful that things weren't any worse than what they were.
Prayers for all those involved.

Wander to the Wayside said...

Events like this always give us a 'there but for the grace...' moment, don't they? So sorry for those affected by this.

Susan Anderson said...

I hope the snow will clear that air of chemicals. Fire is always tragic, and I'm sorry for the lives that have been and will be affected.


PS. Your little town will be in my prayers.