Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Life goes on...

Following the loss of my dad last week , the mood at our house has been somber...but just some sweetness to soften it was Cooper's visit. Tim brought him to our house the next day and you can't help but giggle at him....

See that "milk tongue" in the first pic??? -and then the squirmy-ness of the next few??? Papa had given him a LOT of chocolate milk and soon car sickness set in. Woahhh...it was everywhere!!! We were in the car going to see Chelsea and just in front of the highway patrol he was ill...so we stopped and cleaned him up in the parking lot...poor kid...so pathetic. -But as you can see from the video below...he bounced back!

1 comment:

yaya said...

Oh, chocolate is the worst! Poor kid, I'm still prone to car sickness so I can relate! He sure is a cutie though!