Have you ever noticed have many pieces and parts there are

to things that you buy in a box?? We bought this bargain at my favorite grocery store for the grandkids....and then we opened the box! To my sadness, there are LOTS of things to put togethers. It seems anything we have bought in the last 10 years, including a crib, have come in boxes that need to be put together.
When Chelsea was 4 or 5 we got one of these same little cars for her (wish I still had it!). It was twice the size and had a seat for two. Now it's twice as small and costs twice as much! Bryden loves just sitting in the car without wheels, etc...ha! He liked the box too.
It took us forever to put it all together which is why you don't see an end product. It was time for Byrden to go to bed by the time we finished!
This morning about 4 am, I was awakened by the sound of the wind. I ran outside to see what was going on and it was quite a wind storm. Then the electricity went off briefly. On my way to work, there was this tree across the driveway and many branches down.

On the next street there was a light pole leaning against electric wires and I thought we might be without electricity again but so far, it's OK. The wind is still blowing but supposed to be better tonight.

Listening to the news and hearing there were upward of 200 tornados in the U.S. the last 24 hours, I know we are very lucky!
I did a little today, but think "clean-up" is our weekend word!

I hope it's blowing in nice weather!