We were talking on the way to Cleveland today and think we have enjoyed this last couple of days more than a good vacation! It has been so great to come up (even in this crummy weather) to see the new baby and we have enjoyed playing with Bailey too. We have stayed to take her home at night to help with dinner and bedtime. It has been so much fun to see what personality she has. She has quite a sense of humor and says things that make you shake your head. She wears long, over the knee socks to bed so I was calling her "Pippy Longstockings"...she said "your the Pip, but my arm pits are covered with my PJ's!!"(makes me laugh) And Mike said she said "I was just kidding you"...from a 2 year old??? I'm not a great babysitter, as you can see, Emma cried (and cried!) every time I held her!
3 days ago