Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting ready....

Yesterday we did a "Mission Organization" on Chelsea's closets. The charming old farmhouse she lives in has no bedroom closets and only 3 in her whole living space. Brant just left for Basic Training in the National Guard and all the closets were full of boxes from moving that had never been unpacked. There was not even walking room in them. Tim came and helped us hang curtains, move things and organize. I wish I had taken before and after pics but my battery died. We spent 7 hours organizing. Now you can walk in and turn!
Tim brought Cooper too. He was pretty hungry when he came so we ate breakfast before starting. Enjoying egg cassarole and french toast.
A playful moment....
Almost there!! (due 12/12)


yaya said...

The apartment looks cute, but not as cute as her belly! Won't be long now...also, it's not as cute as Cooper and his curls! Good job, whew, I bet she's happy to have that done. That's what families are for!

Linda P. said...

Cute Cooper, cute apt., cute Chelsea:)
Won't be long now.