Sunday, July 26, 2009

100th Post!!! Our smiling boy...

This is my 100th post!!! It should be special and so it is...
Last weekend was my birthday and this was the last and very special gift....Portraits of Cooper that Tim & Joni had taken recently. This one is Tim's favorite because it shows the real child...going, going, gone! Note the feet...not even on the ground!!

A rare did they ever get him to sit???

This one is my favorite!!! You can really see those, darn dimples....Thanks Tim & Joni!!!

Today at lunch...he keeps us all very entertained.

Video below: This is how Cooper!! I'm wondering what happened to the child that was in the tunnel with him???

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wedding Shower...

This weekend was the wedding shower of close family friend, Megan Kiste. Megan is getting married next month. Won't she be a stunning bride?? Here she is with her mother Debby...
and the cake!!
It's all so exciting!!

Niece adorable in baby blue...we all admired her classic smocked dress!!! If only she were old enough to be a flower girl!
Other family members in attendance...Grandmother Joyce and sister Jen...

Great grandma Shamie with Emily...yes, so cute she stole the show...

Meg with sister Jen and baby Emily.

Debby and all "her girls"...and me (feeling like the black sheep with all these blonds...) . It was a sweet day...Happy Wedding, Megan!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Special lunches...

This week has been special ...I've had lunch with this group of friends for the last...gee, ummm, I don't even know how long it's been...but it's been a LONG time!! We go out for Winter birthdays for 2 of us and then Summer birthdays for the other two. Linda, on the right of me, is leaving next week to move to Maine. Libby is to the right of her and Debby is in the pink. Debby and Libby have children's weddings in August and we are looking forward to another milestone for them too. Linda, we will miss you!!! Then, yesterday I saw Miss Bailey for lunch...what a corker!! Miss cutie-pie is too much fun!! I asked her if she could lift the diaper bag and she grinned, grunted and did it!! See video at bottom...what a hoot!
We got a fancy dessert and Bailey was amazed by it (she got a fun meal from Burger-King...see the transformer toy from it...we put bows on him).

Then we went to Gymboree and got bracelets...

Note the wearing of the sunglasses on the top of her funny!! Thanks for a good time, girls!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike & Tim!!!

See the proud Mama with 5 week old twins!!!! 7/7/76 was a special day that brought into the world my favorite guys!!! Bald (to start IV's in their heads) Mike (R) and balder Tim (L) Dennis the Menace x2!!!

Watching Zorro...

Playing doctor... (Mike you have to put the stethoscope in your ears!!)

Daggone, they were charming!!!

After bathtime...

First bed all the furniture at garage sales and painted it!

Reading spy novels.....

Such personalities...

grew into nice gentlemen... (I loved those plaid pants...sorry guys!)

-and now they have beloved children of their own...

Happy Birthday guys....Love you!!!! -Mom

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!!

The day started out early...especially for Tim & Joni who came from Columbus to race in the Balloonfest 5k race this morning. Tim won a medal and Joni raced well too! Cooper and I cheered them on!! We came home to a fun new toy that Grandpa Larry had blown up for Bailey and Cooper....

It took a minute for them to get their balance....and then out!!!

the fun began!!!

Even the port holes were entertaining!!!

Then we had a picnic and celebrated the boys birthday which is Tuesday.

They gave each other cards....

and then Cooper read them.

Bailey thought they were pretty funny too! (actually this is the face that she makes when her dad asks her to smile!!! hahaha!)

-and the cake was delicious too!

In the afternoon we went down to the new Salvation Army waterpark...what a blast!!!

Literally!!! Some boys will be boys....of ALL ages!!! (Sorry two unidentified children...)

The kids really enjoyed all parts of it.

When they were turning a nice shade of blue, their dads bundled them up and we headed for home....
where Cooper entertained us by walking the tape...(scotch)...he makes me laugh!!!!
Our good friends who lived across and beside us when we were first married, -the Kistes and Pappas's -came to visit with their daughters who were born the same year as our boys and went to school with them. Now we all have grandchildren too!

Jennifer with Emily...

Cooper enticing Cate to go with him to the "Bubble Room".

Hi Cate!

Linda & Cate, Debby & Emily...Me with Cooper (what me sit???) & Bailey....

Tim & Cooper Mike & Bailey Lindsay & Cate Jen & Emily

A really special day!