No, it's not even that it's supposed to be spring and the snow should go away....
But we had more today...again.
It's not even that I took a couple of days off hoping for peace and quiet on the home front to get things done....and it's been anything but.
It was coming home today from work, exceptionally physically and mentally tired and saw a drain wizard truck in the drive. Hmmmm.
I had called a heating, plumbing company a few days ago to come check out a hose from our furnace that had been draining a small amount of dark liquid into a basement drain. They came, inspected and said we needed a new humidifier. OK....and they said they would turn it off so it would quit draining. Yesterday, it continued to drain. I called and said they should re-inspect before putting in a new humidifier because maybe that was not the problem. They agreed but today when I came home, they had installed it anyway. Husband came home midmorning to find a HUGE amount of raw sewage in drain...and in the bathroom...and all over carpet. Hmmmm. We spent many hours tonight cleaning with bleach, and throwing out everything in sight. Problem was tree roots in pipes. I almost stripped and put all my clothes in the washer before showering but decided to go over it all again, when someone came in without knocking to tell us he had to go get parts.
THEN, they left and came get stuck in the drive with all the snow. I have 4 wheel drive and drove around them to get more bleach and buckets while they waited to be towed out. I returned to find his brother-in-law stuck too....AND a towing company that they called for help!! I was only gone 20 minutes!!
I went inside to finish cleaning. When I got done, I thought I should at least make them all hot chocolate for working so long digging out of the snow. I carefully made snacks and 4 cups of hot chocolate, carried them outside....and they were all gone!!
I'm going to bed, my back aches and the headache is way worse. Is it April Fools yet????!!?
4 days ago