Monday, March 30, 2009

Breakfast with Cooper....

This cute little boy has figured out that if a camera is pointed your way, the flash will go off, -so he smiles and squints each time his picture is taken! -so funny!! He is so sweet-natured and has a pertetual smile on his face, but the wheels are always going...

-you can see him thinking..."what's up next??!!"
We had breakfast with them in Columbus at "Mimi's", -delicious.
It's always fun to see them!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Great Gift!!

We were given the extraordinary Christmas (fun to get late appreciate them even more!!) gift of a painting! A dear friend and world renowned surgeon painted our beloved pets, Scoobie (white) and Sam (Yorkie).
In person....amazing likeness, wow!!!

It was a gift we will always treasure even after they are long gone! Thankyou Harvey!!

And from the deck, just around the corner is a little bit of Spring we think....see the green? (I always get excited after I clean up the deck from Winter and then it!)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Pictures from Lori that are fun!.....
Multi tasking...

She is probably waiting for her mother...she doesn't let her far from sight...

Oh where-oh-where can she be????

At the Science Center looking at all the fun stuff...Dad follows....
and catches....
Playing with dolls is important work these days...
And at the end of the day, after all that hard work, a girl has to relax in her bubble bath! LOVE the hairdo, sweetie!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

March weekend...

Yep, These special moments with the little people of our family seem to go with the blink of an eye, -so we really savor the pictures. We went to Cleveland this weekend and Bailey got a new "Muffy" bear, .... and some Easter stickers.

Bailey shows her mom that Muffy has a friend turtle too!

Coat on, ready to go ....OUT!!!!

Other pics that Lori gave us....a father/daughter moment...
Miss Independance, learning how to dress the process...and the tongue...

Complete and finished, good girl, hairbow and all!!!

They say that when her mother asks, she even puts away her toys now, wow!! ...pretty good if you ask me!

See you later....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yipee, Spring is coming....

Yeah!!! Spring is finally coming!! Actually this is a picture from Lori with a note that Bailey is dancing...Hokey-Pokey, turn yourself around??

Lori writes that Bailey really enjoys playing in boxes...

This is her doll stroller, they push her forward and she pushes herself backward...Looks like fun!! I think she'll be a gymnast....She knows how to have a good time!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wedding Shower Weekend...

Today, Chelsea helped throw a wedding shower for one of her best friends. She and Kristen have been buddies from kindergarten through thick and thin. It was such a beautiful day for it...we left the screen door open to catch the breezes...smelled like spring!

One of the games was twenty questions that they asked the groom. Each time Kristen got a question wrong, she had to eat a piece of bubble gum....she had quite a mouth-full by the time it was over!!

Bride-Kristen & flower-girl Kiley (daughter)

Lots of gum!!
Cookies with the couples initials...

The sister of the bride, Kelly, made the yummo cupcakes...

Chelsea & Kristen

Kristen had groupies to help open gifts...
Left in black Kelly, sister of the bride. Below, surprise gift Kristen loved!


Kelly, sister of the bride

It was a wonderful spring day for a wedding shower!!! Good Luck & Congrats Kristen!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The little joys of Life....

Ummm, you are wondering how this can be a little joy of life?? It definitely is!!! This is our webcam and I'm waving "hello" to Bailey. What a great invention,...I wish we could have done it with my Mom when my kids were little. It's a wonderful way to connect when we miss them! Tonight the light bulb came on and she recognised us and giggled. She waved and blew kisses, kissed the computer screen and "talked" fun!! We caught none of that but just a few glimpses in the next few pics... That's us...the adoring grandparents, Mike is telling her...there they are...

They talk on the speaker cell phone...Hi little girl!

Mike tells us about what a wonderful day she had with Grandma Becky, taking a walk in the warm weather....

We are glad you had a wonderful day, honey...she shows us her magazine and talks about it...

We ooohh and ahhh about her kitchen toys as she shows them to us...and giggle about her kisses...

Bye, bye...nice to see you!!!!! -sigh-