Monday, August 9, 2010

Baby's first haircut!

Chelsea asked me to cut Baby Bryden's hair while she was at work. (She was forgetting that I used to cut her brothers hair when they were young and if I cut a spot too close, used a magic marker to cover it over for a couple of days!!!) He is growing little side burns so she wanted him trimmed, and that was my aim....

It started out pretty well, I combed and wanted Larry to document it for Chels, handed him the camera and Bryden was pretty good...for a minute....

Then this 8 month old started to fidget....

and fidget....

and cringe....

and squirm....

and I'm thinkin' "Are we going to get the job done?"
The End!! (All's well that ends well....)


Wander to the Wayside said...

Too funny...and very brave of you!

Melissa Miller said...

Oh my goodness he is so adorable! Love his name too.

Thank you for the kind birthday wishes sweet friend! I really appreciate your friendship and support of my blog.

Warmly, ~Melissa :)

yaya said...

Hahaha! That is so cute and funny..good pics Larry! I love the last one because it sums up the whole experience. Good job with cutting hair..I gave up, or I should say the boys did, after I nicked'd have thought I killed him! Your are a brave Gramma!

Jennifer said...

Grandchildren are such a joy!...Glad to hear your kids are teachers...Teachers have such an important role in the lives of children!Best of luck finding a time...thanks for stopping by!