Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chelsea's BD and the Fair...

Today was Chelsea's 26th birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, babe! The kids all came and celebrated with her...Cooper and Bailey got out the toys and feted her with clanking trucks.

It was a beautiful day and the proud fathers enjoyed watching the cousins play.

Aunt Chelsea did too.

It was one of those days we just enjoyed sitting around, catching up.

Cooper kept us all entertained as usual...I think he is going to be an something dynamic when he grows up! (-that child goes and goes and goes!)

Then we celebrated the BD with cake and baby things...

and her UGGS!!!
There were after dinner games...Tim was lying in the driveway and the little kids were jumping on him...-after which we went to the fair...
and had lemonade and all the yearly fair good stuff!

Cooper kissing Bailey "good-bye"...

and daddy kissing Bailey through her balloon...a fun day was had by all!

She can count to ten now!!!!


yaya said...

Happy birthday Chelsea! I remember the day well...(shhh, I saw you first!)Looks like you went on the nicest day of the fair so far. The kiddos are sooo cute!

Evie's Story said...

That little boy has BEAUTIFUL curls...are you allowed to say that about a guy?:-)

Donna said...

Sure!!!....I think so too!!!